
SMA Australia Parliamentary Event

SMA Australia held their third Parliamentary event in Canberra on Thursday 10 August 2023 to continue raising awareness of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) in Australia and educating and advocating to Members of Parliament how important timely access to treatment is.

The event allowed the SMA community to formally thank Members of Parliament and distinguished guests for all the support they have given over the past six years through accessing the three treatments listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for SMA patients.

The event featured speeches from neurologists Professor Michelle Farrar and Assoc. Professor Lauren Sanders, and three members of our SMA community who shared their stories about how accessing treatment has had positive life-changing effects on them and their family’s lives.

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT Spinraza for over 18's

A video of the event is available at https://youtu.be/oXbdjYOprPQ

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