
SMA Webinar Series: Number 2 with Al Freedman

The second webinar in the SMA Webinar Series launched on Tuesday 20th October 2020 at 11:00am EST with “Strengthening Your Mind Through Tough Times with Al Freedman”, Phd, Child and Family Psychologist, Philadelphia, USA.

We are faced with so many challenges in our modern world, and at times, these can be hard on our mental strength. Al Freedman is an amazing SMA dad who talked us through some steps to support the Emotional Health of our SMA families during uncertain times. Al’s son, Jack, who has SMA and has been supporting the community for many years. Al was amazing to listen to and we hope you enjoy listening and viewing the webinar we recorded.

If you missed it you can now watch webinar located on the SMA Community App in the Resource Library Videos. The SMA Community App is free and available on the Apple Store and Google Play.

SMA Webinar 2 Al Freedman

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