
I am a Carer

You are reading this information as someone close to you has been diagnosed with SMA. Your journey will be unique, and only you and your family can choose what is right for you. There will be many different options and differing opinions for you to consider but most of all do what you need to do for your own family (not what someone else thinks is the right thing for you).

You will learn and you will become the ‘expert’ on your loved ones condition to enable you to best help them. There are times when you will feel overwhelmed and totally alone, but remember our community is always here to support you.




Unfortunately there is no textbook to read for the best possible outcome; that has been happening through trial and error many times over. There will be many times where you will be faced with uncertainty, but the love you have for your child/loved one with SMA will always ring true and keep you strong.

SMA Australia has produced a number of resources to assist you with care options, but please ensure that you discuss all your medical needs with your doctor.


Most of all live life to the fullest and embrace the journey together

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